Free Keto!

The thing I love most about keto? Besides fabulous and fast weight loss (because – duh!- THAT is pretty awesome)?

Keto cost me nothing!!

I never bought a product.

Oh, there are a lot of keto products out there and if you like using them – then, go you!

But you don’t have to use them. You don’t have to buy anything extra. You don’t have to sign up for a program. You don’t have to spend money on anything except good, real food.

I’ll admit – my grocery bill is higher from keto. But my life is beyond better and totally worth the good food I buy now.

I’m in the process of simplifying my life (and boy is that probably worth a few blog posts all on their own). I went back to work full time after staying home with my kids for many wonderful years. So full-time work means I have to be super careful about what belongs in my life now.

I have been closing things down, purging my life of things that I carried around for a long time. I am getting rid of some baggage. It’s hard. So hard. But good. So good.

And as I have been “getting back to basics” I found that talking about keto – reaching out to you!! – is still super important to me. So I will keep blogging, keep raving about keto and I will try to help you as much as I can.

Because I believe in you. I know there are people out there just like me, desperate for lasting freedom from the weight.

I want you to succeed.

I want you to find freedom from the weight.

adorable blur breed close up

Photo by on

So I’m back. Chime in with your questions. What do you want to know? How can I help?



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